Tuesday 8 October 2013

Kick-Ass Females: Abbie Mills from Sleepy Hollow

Okay first off I wanna start by saying how glad I am that this show has a WOC in a lead role and as a cop no less. Seriously. I am so gosh darn happy. And honestly they couldn’t have picked a better actress to play this amazing character. Nicole Beharie does a wonderful job as Lieutenant Abbie Mills.

First off she is one of the only females in a male-dominated environment, but she doesn’t let that phase her for even a second. She is very sure of herself and her capabilities and is uber professional. That’s not to say she sees herself as better than her male counterparts. No way. She sees herself as their equal. As she says to Ichabod in the very first episode “Do you see this gun? I'm authorized to use it. On you”. She is fierce, doesn’t take shit from no-one and can probably out-snark anyone she interacts with.

But just because she’s strong that doesn’t mean she doesn’t have vulnerabilities. But what I love most is that she doesn’t try to hide it. She doesn’t wear a stoic mask to hide what she feels. She feels love, affection, sadness, sympathy…. And the list goes on. But not once does she try to hide it and present herself as something she’s not. She is refreshingly genuine in a world full of pretensions.

Okay so it kinda come with the job description, but seriously can we just talk about the fact that she walks into all kinds of dangerous situation without blinking an eye? Crazy, possessed gunman? No problem; Suicidal psychologist? Where she at?; crazy fire shooting witch? Come at me. Seriously. So brave. If it were me I’d be peeing in my pants. But I suppose it’s not hard to be brave with a tall, dark, British guy by your side. Just kidding. We all know she only needs him for one thing only. You feel me?

Ichabod is not a man who wants to appear weak, or showcase his uncertainties. Even when he’s walking around in a completely unfamiliar time period. But luckily for him Abbie picks up on this and just looks out for him without bringing it up in conversation. Like when she leaves post it notes in his motel room so he’ll know how to use the appliances. And then she brings him baked goods as well. She’s just so perfect.

And that is why this female is super-duper kick-ass. Srsly Ichabod… If you don’t want her I’ll gladly take her off your hands. We’d be best friends foreva. 

Misc: Ichabod Crane/ Tom Mison

Ok to be fair this isn’t really anything more than fangirl musings. But seriously I just can’t help myself. This man is just too perfect. And when I say “this man” I’m not quite sure which one I’m talking about. Ichabod or Tom. To me they’re one and the same. And to him too it seems. In a recent interview he said, "None of what you see from Ichabod is acting… I'm generally that baffled constantly." Which I don’t find hard to believe. I’ve actually seen quite a bit of Mr. Mison before he landed this role, and throughout the roles I’ve seen him play and the way he normally comports himself in interviews and such; it’s obvious that his adorkable demeanour comes quite naturally.

I first saw him as Mr Bingley in the BBC miniseries “Lost in Austen” which also has a similar premise, in which a classic is taken and thrown into a modern context. Complete with time travel and the inevitable upheaval and chaos that this creates. And I have to say it was love at first sight. I remember when no one but my friends and I knew who Tom Mison even was. We used to watch “Lost In Austen” all the time, and we totally fell in love with Tom as Mr Bingley. So much so that he became our ideal hot guy and we fangirled about him ALL the time. And this was years ago. Now all of a sudden he’s getting more well-known and it so weird… like other people actually know who he is?! So yeah I feel a bit possessively jealous… but c’mon you can hardly blame me. I mean even my mother is in love with him. We were watching the first episode a while back and she was like, "He looks like Jesus.... *pause*... but like a hot Jesus" <-- this is the truth.

And she is so on the right track. I mean with the sexy facial hair, high cheekbones, smouldering blue eyes and luscious, flowing hair that would make any Pantene model jelly; he’s just irresistible. In fact it seems like every outdoor shot of him looks like he’s in a shampoo commercial. Like for real. Just look at my hair blowing softly in the gentle breeze…

And oh the voice. The accent. The BODY

Gah he’s the perfect package. Really he is. And he sure knows how to rock period costume. So playing the part of a man-out-of-time?... yeah he’s so got this. If you don’t find him attractive, then you’re a rotten liar. And I’m just going to stop right there. I think I’m having heart palpitations… Oh Tom save me *swoons*


Sleepy Hollow- Season 1, Episode 3

*Spoilers ahead

Holy Jennifer Mills. That’s right Sleepyheads, in this episode we meet the mysterious and slightly disturbed younger sister of our favourite bad-ass female cop. And I must say I like this girl. She’s got spunk. She’s like a darker (in the figurative sense), more hard-core version of her sister. And I just love how she sasses Ichabod. Tall, dark and British indeed. I for one will be looking forward to seeing more of her.

The episode starts off in a dream sequence where Abbie is revisits a skewed version of the memory of her and Jenny’s interrogation after they claimed to have seen a demon. Ichabod’s in it (with creepy white eyes) and also a weird ass sandman guy. She then gets woken up and is summoned to a suicide scene, where the psychologist/ doctor lady that treated Abbie’s sister Jenny jumps off a building right after giving Abbie a cryptic warning. This is once again repeated when Mr Gillespie, who discovered the Mill’s sisters after the demon attack when they were kids, shoots himself in the head. But again not before delivering a warning that the next time that Abbie goes to sleep she will die. He refers to the “sandman”. So anyway long story short, Ichabbie visits a dodgy car salesman/ native American shaman; drink some suspicious looking tea; take off their shirts (yumm… shirtless Ichabod); get stung by scorpions; and enter the dream world, where Abbie has to prove herself to the Sandman… who is one creepy ass dude.

I for one cannot wait for the next episode on tonight!! Kyaahh bring on the sexy, british, goodness that is Tom Mison. Mhhmm. Yes please.

Sleepy Hollow- Season 1, Episode 2

*Spoilers ahead

Ok let’s acknowledge the demon in the room. Yeah the really creepy one with ram’s horn’s, a limp, and who speaks less than fluent ancient Greek. So we were first introduced to him in the first episode where we found out that he (it?... I’m assuming it’s male) appeared to the Mills sisters in the woods when they were kids. Abbie keeps her mouth shut about it and tries to run away from the truth while her sister Jenny spills it and ends up being institutionalised. Thus setting up a rather interesting sibling dynamic that’ll be explored later in the series. Let the claws come out ladies… or perhaps not. There’s already enough violence as it is.

So this demon, the same one that killed Officer Andy Brooks (played by John Cho), then brings him back. What? Yeah I dunno. I think he only snapped off Andy’s neck in the first place cause he pissed him off. Look out y’all we got a crazy-ass beeyotch of a demon (with a mad case of PMS) on the loose. As if we didn’t have enough people losing their heads cause of the headless horseman (who himself is without a head). I feel like “death” is not gonna be a big thing in this series with all the resurrections going on. But I gotta say the whole neck snapping back into place was kinda gross to watch. Especially with the excess skin after the fact. Anyhoo… speaking of resurrections, we find out that there is a purpose for Andy’s resurrection… and that is to assist with the resurrection of Serilda of Abadon (who is/was a high priestess belonging to the dark coven of witches). Yeah there’s a lot of resurrections…. and beheadings. I told you this show was going to be good.

So anyway, Andy and Serilda have until the turn of the blood moon to get the ashes of the descendants of the men who had her burned at the stake for witchcraft and sorcery. And of course Abbie and Ichabod have to stop them. With a lot of snarky banter as they do. Oh and an amazing snark-off between Ichabod and Abbie’s ex Luke. That 15 seconds was almost worth more than the rest of the entire episode for me. I say almost because the best part was without a doubt watching Ichabod shirtless in his motel room trying to figure out the intricacies of modern technology (with helpful sticky notes from Abbie… awww). 

Although I am truly irked by the fact there wasn't more shirtless-ness.

So Ichabbie end up blowing Serilda up within the tunnels beneath the police station before she gets to complete her resurrection. And centuries old gunpowder may or may not have been used in the process. What did I learn from all this? That gunpowder doesn't have an expiry date.

To end on a high note, Abbie is visited by the spirit of Sheriff Corbin who tells her to not be afraid of “49”. Methinks this has something to do with the elusive Jenny Mills… mmm okay I lie. I only know cause I've already watched the third episode.

Also Major NEWS!! I just found out that after only 3 episodes since the premiere, FOX has decided to renew the series for a second season!! Excitement! This is truly momentous, and I can only think that it is because of how big the fandom has become in such an extremely short amount of time. And I’m sure the outstanding ratings helped convince them a bit. Whatever it was, I couldn't be more relieved or elated. Keep it coming, baby.

Monday 7 October 2013

Kick- Ass Females: Jessica Pearson | Suits

Okay, so my next pick for kick ass females is none other than Jessica Pearson from Suits, played by Gina Torres.
Thought this gif was fitting, it's from: http://www.tumblr.com/tagged/jessica-pearson

There is something about Jessica which is just so powerful. She's so fierce and let's not forget her fashion is one of the best I've seen for any female role. What makes her kick-ass?

#1 She's a female at the top of her career.
Her name is on the masthead-before-any other partners i.e. Pearson Hardman/ Pearson Darby/ Pearson Darby Spector. Females at the top of their career are always so admirable. She fought to get to her position and this shows strength and determination.

#2 She built Harvey. 
She saw Harvey's brilliance during his youth (while he was a worker in the mailroom) and gave him an opportunity to foster and grow it by paying his way through school. Without Jessica, Harvey would be nothing.

#3 Her wardrobe.
Okay so you must be sick and tired of me constantly bringing this up but seriously her wardrobe is phenomenal. Like absolutely unbelievably phenomenal. Classy, yet sexy, elegant and so chic. Let's take a look:
Image from: http://thestitcherati.com/crafts/sewing/fashion-inspiration-the-women-of-suits/#.UlJ7-2QpYSg

#4 Her loyalty.
She will stand by Harvey even when he does morally questionable things. She's dedicated to supporting him and often comes across as more than just his boss, but as someone who genuinely cares about him.

#5 The way she kicked Hardman out was pretty badass. 

#6 She's a good example of...
She's a good example of the idea that hard work will get you to where you want to be. That if you truly work hard nothing and no one can stop you from getting to where you want to be.

Overall, Jessica Pearson is someone who is pretty damn respectable. She is a character who I admire. Hardworking, strong willed, stubborn and determined she's someone who I look up to and who is 100% a kick-ass female character.

I hope one day I can be half as successful as she is.


Ships: Phoebe and Cole - Charmed

Ships: Phoebe and Cole - Charmed. 

So, I recently rewatched the entire series of Charmed for the 43958028532030th time. It is such a fantastic show. I could write at least 1000 posts about it that would aptly fit under the ‘Kick-Ass Females’ tab. Alas that is not on today’s agenda.

I just wanted to address the relationship between Phoebe Halliwell and Cole Turner. These two were perfect. I loved them so much and still do. Their journey was nothing short of tumultuous but they fought so hard to be together and nothing is sadder than the fact that they were not end game. I mean, Cole became The Source and obviously had to be vanquished, BUT IT DOESN’T MEAN IT HURTS ANY LESS. The love that these two shared… You just felt it. It was so beautiful. Cole loved Phoebe so much. She was literally everything to him. He gave up his demonic half to be with her, stripped his powers and not to mention the amount of time he spent fearing for his life because bounty hunters were constantly chasing him per The Source’s instructions after it was found out that he had fallen in love with a witch.  

And Phoebe… My heart.  She constantly argued for him despite logic and her sister’s trepidations. She fought so hard to show that Cole was good and it is just unbelievably sad that even though he was, there were other forces at play and in the end human Cole wasn’t enough. Ughhhhh.

Despite all the issues and everything they faced, they were such an amazing couple.

Cole’s goodbye letter to Phoebe… My heart.

Dear Phoebe,
If I’m dead right now, I know it was at your hand. No one else in heaven or hell had power over me.
Please, don’t cry.
I was dead before I met you. I was born the day you loved me, and my love for you will keep me alive forever


Still not over it.

The chemistry they had.. I personally feel that no other guy Phoebe dated remotely compared to Cole and how much she loved him.


IT STILL HURTS (11 years later. What even is my life?)

 - Jasmine.

1. http://31.media.tumblr.com/b530d4bfa87a0ddc25274957cad3f931/tumblr_mes55gXLPx1qbrra2o1_500.jpg

2. http://24.media.tumblr.com/f44718fb6e1aae3ae0d558e0005e705d/tumblr_mnqmevTom31qav13vo10_r1_250.gif

Review: Suits Season 3 (SO FAR)

Okay to me this show is pure perfection. Why?

Harvey Specter. Enough said.

Gif from: http://dekolette.tumblr.com/post/7461190112

Okay so in all seriousness I think this is one of the most brilliant shows on television. But I'm not here to tell you why (because otherwise this blog post would go on forever) I'm here to discuss season 3 of Suits so far.

So this season was a bit different in that it had one prolonged case, Hessington Oil, which covered basically the entire season (so far) and this season also entailed Harvey and Jessica, not as a team but as rivals, with Harvey's goal to become a named partner and get his name on that damned mast head.

In all honesty I didn't really like this side of Harvey and Jessica's relationship. I did not like seeing them as rivals. To me they make a great team and to watch them go back and forth was annoying. I love Jessica, she is one of those dominant female roles that just absolutely kick ass (not to mention she has an impeccable wardrobe).

One of the other key story lines within this season was the relationship between Mike and Rachel (finally!). Now I really like seeing them together and after that steamy season 2 ending which was so hot I was literally on fire, I felt like season 3 explored their relationship pretty well. I really do like them together and I hope that this season doesn't end with a split between them. However, I do see Rachel as being a bit flaky with Mike's secret just because I could see her get mad at him and then go and report him.

Photo from: http://www.fanpop.com/clubs/rachel-and-mike/images/31221163/title/suits-s2-cast-mike-rachel-photo

This season also showed history into Harvey and Donna's relationship and further explored the dynamic between them. To me they are an unbelievable duo and ultimately must be together- I mean they just have to. However, we do have the return of Scottie and Harvey opening his heart up to her (oh gosh, yes I went there) and that he wants her in his life. To be honest, I don't really like them together and frankly Scottie just annoys me, because even though she's such a bad ass on her own she's so helplessly in love with Harvey that'll she'd probably do just about anything to be with him. And I really just want Harvey and Donna together.

So overall, I've found this season of Suits a bit slow. It's been a bit boring as well. I'm sick of the Hessington Oil case and the fact that it seems like there's always someone trying to completely destroy someone else. I wish they'd show Jessica more, her character is so powerful they could do so much with it. Hopefully the next half of the season will pick things up again because this show is bloody brilliant!
