Tuesday 24 September 2013


Ola, TV luvahs!

We thought we’d start off by giving y’all a big ol’ WELCOME! to our humble blog. We’re three girls from Sydney who are completely obsessed with watching TV shows. Literally… every time we’re together we HAVE to discuss the latest episodes; reminisce about the classics that are no longer on air (“Friends” anybody?); and just fangirl about TV shows in general. So we thought since we’re obviously very opinionated, and clearly,… *coughs* clearly all that is refined and cultured, why not start a blog to get everyone else involved in our epic discussions?! Cause honestly people, you know when you’re watching an episode and you just… *whimpers* *sobs* …. you just start getting these… these *hiccups* feeeeeeeels?! And you’re just thinking is there anyone out there that feels exactly the same way I do right now (yeah… we’re totally thinking about the harrowing finale of Merlin)? Well here’s where you find out, petal blossoms. We’re here for you! Sharing your agony, heartbreak, joy, swooning, hair pulling, nail biting, intense suspense, roller-coaster feeling, pterodactyl screaming feels. Seriously. So join us on our EPIC televisual journey :)

Oh god… we’re totally being rude. Let us introduce ourselves!

Hey gorgeous people! I’m B (yes, like Beyoncé), and I’m super excited to get this show on the road! Here’s a little about me:
Imagine this- There’s a gun to your head and you have to choose your favourite TV show ever. Just one: Shoot me. I’d rather die.
Fave ship: You mean my armada… but srsly if I had to choose… probably Merthur (Merlin x Arthur)
Fave classic TV show: Mmm.. toss-up between “Friends” and “Sabrina the teenage witch”
Fave childhood cartoon: I’ve narrowed it down to “Hey Arnold” and…“Captain Planet”. Don’t judge.
Obsessed with: Michael Jackson. The man is my god.
Listening to: “Dirty Diana” by Michael Jackson… told you I was obsessed.
Currently watching: Tom Mison being such a cutie as Ichabod Crane on “Sleepy Hollow”.
Currently crushing on: Tom Mison… what?! He’s hot!
Fave Movie: Titanic *sniffs* gets me every time. No shame.
If you could invite any three people dead, alive or fictional to a tea party, who’d you invite? MJ, Bradley James and Adrian Ivashkov… but we’d have fruity cocktails instead of tea cause we be fabulous like that.
Famous last words: afskgaldsjflasj!!!

Shmello, my lovelies :) I'm Jasmine and here's some info about me:
Imagine this- There’s a gun to your head and you have to choose your favourite TV show ever. Just one: Seinfeld. Without a doubt. Perf show is perf. 
Fave ship: THIS IS SO HARD I AM DCRYING (DYING + CRYING). This changes regularly. Elliot and Olivia (EO) from SVU were my favourite ship for all of 12 years but for the moment, I have to say Calzona (Callie + Arizona) from Grey's Anatomy (DESPITE THE FACT THAT ARIZONA CHEATED ON CALLIE IN THE SEASON 9 FINALE - REST ASSURED, MULTIPLE RANTS ON THIS TO COME UGHHHHHH)
Fave classic TV show: Can I choose Seinfeld again? (Also. Friends). 
Fave childhood cartoon: CatDog and The Wild Thornberrys.
Obsessed with: Lady Gaga. She don't know it yet, but that's wifey right there.
Listening to: ARTPOP. Perfect song is perfect.
Currently watching: Suits (B and Sinia sucked me in and now I can't stop)
Currently crushing on: Aaron Paul.. UNFFFFF.
Fave Movie: White Chicks. (10 points to whoever spotted the White Chicks reference in this post).
Famous last words: Bought a Gryffindor tie today. I can die happy.

Oh hi there guys, I'm Sinia- pronounced Sin-e-a (weird name I know (my parents were hippies)). Here's a bit about me:
Imagine this- There’s a gun to your head and you have to choose your favourite TV show ever. Just one: AAAAAAAAAAH. WHY DO YOU DO THIS?!?! Umm okay... Suits. No, Ugly Betty. (wow what a random jump).
Fave ship: Omg. Stahp. Okay. I think I'll steal B's one. Merthur hehe 
Fave classic TV show: Probably, Arrested Development. Not sure if it counts as a classic, but it is to me (also Friends).
Fave childhood cartoon: JOHNNY BRAVO.
Obsessed with: Food.
Listening to: Bravado- Lorde. She is absolutely amazing.
Currently watching: Suits!
Currently crushing on: Chris Hemsworth actually no, Taylor Schilling. Actually, no, both.
Fave Movie: WHA! Pick one?! Hmm, probably something 80's like Pretty in Pink or something silly like The Princess Diaries.
Famous last words: Leave me alone. No, actually, please don't.

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