Kick-Ass Female #1:
Okay, so welcome to the Kick-Ass Females page. A page which is dedicated the hottest, most admirable, bad ass women (we think) in television who are just generally pretty freaking outstanding human beings aka 'kick ass'. Please share your opinions below on who you consider to be a "Kick-Ass Female"!Sinia's Choice: Betty from Ugly Betty.
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This is my favourite picture. Ever. |
You probably think I'm nuts for choosing Betty as a 'kick-ass female' but honestly, have you watched Ugly Betty?! I mean she is anything but fearless and not to mention an amazing example to all females. The predominate idea behind her character is that she is "ugly" unattractive, aesthetically unpleasing but within a couple of minutes one can clearly see her true beauty.
To me the show displays the basic idea that looks are not everything, they may cause you to suffer in certain dilemmas, but at the end of the day where there's a will there's a way (wow, didn't even know I was this deep).
The show definitely portrays Betty in situations where her looks are mocked, such as within the first episode where she is humiliated by being asked to wear a leather - spandex- fishnet outfit clearly ment for a standard model (I mean honestly, very few people can pull of leather spandex and fish nets. Scratch that, pretty much no one can).
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Just not a good look man. |
But what makes her "kick-ass"? For one she puts up with all the shit from characters like Mark, Amanda, Wilhelmena (and just generally most of the staff at Mode). Actually, she does more than put up with their shit, she owns it and always proves them wrong.
She also always has her family at heart. They are her number one priority and to me that is so admirable. With simple things as making her nephew Justin feel comfortable in his own skin to saving her father from being deported she is truly just 100% a kick-ass female.
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Even when she felt beautiful. Mode mocked her. But idgaf and neither should she. She's truly stunning! |
So now you know why I freaking love Ugly Betty. NO. Beautiful Betty. Mhmmmm.
Kick- Ass Female #2 : Jessica Pearson
Okay, so my next pick for kick ass females is none other than Jessica Pearson from Suits, played by Gina Torres.
Thought this gif was fitting, it's from:
There is something about Jessica which is just so powerful. She's so fierce and let's not forget her fashion is one of the best I've seen for any female role. What makes her kick-ass?
#1 She's a female at the top of her career.
Her name is on the masthead-before-any other partners i.e. Pearson Hardman/ Pearson Darby/ Pearson Darby Spector. Females at the top of their career are always so admirable. She fought to get to her position and this shows strength and determination.
#2 She built Harvey.
She saw Harvey's brilliance during his youth (while he was a worker in the mailroom) and gave him an opportunity to foster and grow it by paying his way through school. Without Jessica, Harvey would be nothing.
#3 Her wardrobe.
Okay so you must be sick and tired of me constantly bringing this up but seriously her wardrobe is phenomenal. Like absolutely unbelievably phenomenal. Classy, yet sexy, elegant and so chic. Let's take a look:
Image from:
#4 Her loyalty.
She will stand by Harvey even when he does morally questionable things. She's dedicated to supporting him and often comes across as more than just his boss, but as someone who genuinely cares about him.
#5 The way she kicked Hardman out was pretty badass.
#6 She's a good example of...
She's a good example of the idea that hard work will get you to where you want to be. That if you truly work hard nothing and no one can stop you from getting to where you want to be.
Overall, Jessica Pearson is someone who is pretty damn respectable. She is a character who I admire. Hardworking, strong willed, stubborn and determined she's someone who I look up to and who is 100% a kick-ass female character.
I hope one day I can be half as successful as she is.
Kick-Ass Females: Abbie Mills from Sleepy Hollow
First off she is one of the only females in a male-dominated environment, but she doesn’t let that phase her for even a second. She is very sure of herself and her capabilities and is uber professional. That’s not to say she sees herself as better than her male counterparts. No way. She sees herself as their equal. As she says to Ichabod in the very first episode “Do you see this gun? I'm authorized to use it. On you”. She is fierce, doesn’t take shit from no-one and can probably out-snark anyone she interacts with.
But just because she’s strong that doesn’t mean she doesn’t have vulnerabilities. But what I love most is that she doesn’t try to hide it. She doesn’t wear a stoic mask to hide what she feels. She feels love, affection, sadness, sympathy…. And the list goes on. But not once does she try to hide it and present herself as something she’s not. She is refreshingly genuine in a world full of pretensions.
Okay so it kinda come with the job description, but seriously can we just talk about the fact that she walks into all kinds of dangerous situation without blinking an eye? Crazy, possessed gunman? No problem; Suicidal psychologist? Where she at?; crazy fire shooting witch? Come at me. Seriously. So brave. If it were me I’d be peeing in my pants. But I suppose it’s not hard to be brave with a tall, dark, British guy by your side. Just kidding. We all know she only needs him for one thing only. You feel me?
Ichabod is not a man who wants to appear weak, or showcase his uncertainties. Even when he’s walking around in a completely unfamiliar time period. But luckily for him Abbie picks up on this and just looks out for him without bringing it up in conversation. Like when she leaves post it notes in his motel room so he’ll know how to use the appliances. And then she brings him baked goods as well. She’s just so perfect.
And that is why this female is super-duper kick-ass. Srsly Ichabod… If you don’t want her I’ll gladly take her off your hands. We’d be best friends foreva.
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